Who we are

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden

The NOF is the federation of the national orthopaedic associations of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. The NOF was founded in 1919 and represents over 5,500 orthopaedic surgeons.


Statutes of the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation

Established on 12th June 2018 in NOF board meeting in Reykjavik.
Read our statutes (pdf, 6 pages)

Affiliated organisations & activities

Associate membership EFORT

The NOF was accepted as an associate member of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) in the general assembly of the EFORT in 2013.

NOF honorary members

N. Bülow-Hansen, Oslo 1923 †; A. Lorenz, Wien 1924 †; H. C. Slomann, Köpenhamn 1924 †; P. Haglund, Stockholm 1930 †; S. Johansson, Göteborg 1947 †; P. Guildal, Köpenhamn 1947 †; G. Asplund, Stockholm 1947 †; H. Waldenström, Stockholm 1947 †; R. Faltin, Helsingfors 1947 †; H. Sundt, Fredriksværn 1949 †; P. Giertsen, Oslo 1949 †; K. Bentzon, Köpenhamn 1952 †; F. Langenskiöld, Helsingfors 1954 †; P. Wilson, New York 1966 †; G. Hohmann, München 1966 †; H. Platt, London 1966; M. d’Aubigné, Paris 1966; H. J. Seddon, London 1970 †; H. Osmond-Clarke, London 1970; K. I. Nissen, London 1970; E. A. Nicoll, Mansfield 1970; H. Nilsonne, Stockholm 1970 †; S. Friberg, Stockholm 1974 †; G. Wiberg, Lund 1974; J. Charnley, Wrightington, G.B. 1978; W. P. Blount, Milwaukee, U.S.A. 1978; S. von Rosen, Malmö 1978; K. Jansen, Hellerup 1978; A. Langenskiöld, Helsingfors 1978; E. Thomasen, Aarhus 1978; Olle Svensson 2008; Lars Lidgren 2010, Pol Benum 2010; Anders Rydholm 2012 †; Peter Frandsen 2012; Markku Järvinen 2014; Ketil Holen 2016; Bart Swierstra 2018; Bjarne Möller-Madsen 2018; Anders Walløe 2022; Jan van Mourik 2022; Kaj Knutson 2024

NOF presidents

P. Haglund 1919 †; H. C. Slomann 1920 †; R. Faltin 1921 †; V. Bülow-Hansen 1922 †; P. Haglund 1923 †; S. Johansson 1924 †; P. Guildal 1925 †; C. Holmdahl 1926 †; S. Johansson 1927 †; F. Langenskiöld 1928 † ;P. E. Giertsen 1929 †; P. G. K. Bentzon 1930 †; H. Bardy 1931 †; R. Hanson 1932 †; H. Waldenström 1933 †; G. Frising 1934 †; P. Guildal 1935 †; H. Camitz 1937 †; G. Asplund 1938 †; E. Platou 1939 †; P. G. K. Bentzon (1940) †; S. Friberg 1947 †; P. G. K. Bentzon 1948 †; G. Wallgren 1949 †; N. Lindström 1950; J. Hald 1952 †; S. Kiær 1954 †; K. E. Kallio 1956; G. Wiberg 1958; I. Alvik 1960 †; A. Monberg 1962 †; A. Langenskiöld 1964; C. Hirsch 1966 †; H. Nissen-Lie 1968 †; E. Thomasen 1970; K. Vainio 1972; T. Hierton 1974; B. Paus 1976; H. Sørensen 1978; Pär Slätis 1994-1996; Bo Nilsson 1996-1998; Halldór Baldursson 1998-2000; Norvald Langeland 2000-2002; Karlsson 2002-2004; Markku Järvinen 2004-2006; Richard Wallensten 2006-2008; Niek van Dijk 2008-2010; Cody Bünger 2010-2012; Ketil Holen 2012-2014; Aare Maertson 2014-2016, Li Felländer-Tsai 2016-2018; Ragnar Jonsson 2018- 2022; Heikki Kröger 2022-2024; Søren Kold 2024-

NOF secretary generals

S. Johansson 1920-1924 †; K. Bentzon 1925-1930 †; H. Nilsonne 1931-1938 †; S. Kiær 1939-1947 †; E. Severin 1948-1958 †; K. Jansen 1959-1968; M. Foss-Hauge 1969-1974; P. Slätis 1975-; Ian Goldie 1982-1992; Anders Walloe 1992-1998; Olle Svensson 1998-2006; Bjarne Möller-Madsen 2006-2012; Jan van Mourik 2012; Kees Verheyen 2018–2024; Katre Maasalu 2024-