EFORT Congress 28-30 October

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Virtual EFORT Congress 2020 from 28 to 30 October

This year the EFORT Congress will take place online from wednesday 28 to friday 30 October, three days with over sixty scientific sessions. The main theme is harmonisation & diversity.

Use the online search tool to filter presentations within your field of expertise. You can enter keywords, names or topics. Replays of sessions are available (for registered users only).

Acta Orthopaedica report 2019


Acta Orthopaedica editors report 2019

The yearly editors report of 2019 is now published on the website. The 6 issues of the year 2019 contained 626 pages with 101 articles. Of these, 35 were register studies, 9 randomized clinical trials, 5 reviews/meta-analyses, 4 case reports/ technical notes and 1 guideline article. Furthermore, we published 4 editorials/annotations and 2 Letters to the editor.

Read the editors report 2019

Visit the Acta Orthopaedica website

Eleven grants awarded

NOF Congress Grant

We believe in investing in the future of our profession. Our aim is therefore to support education and scientific activities of residents and young orthopaedic surgeons. One way of doing this is by offering them economical support to visit the NOF Congress in the form of the NOF Congress Grant. This year eleven grants have been awarded.

100 Residents Plan

100 free tickets to the NOF Congress have been made available for young residents. They have been distributed by the member societies.


Best wishes and welcome to Trondheim 13 – 15 May

seasons greetings

Looking back, 2019 has been a good year for the NOF. The Acta Orthopaedica is on course again, following a new publishing contract with Taylor & Francis.

This year the NOF Centennial Crongress 2020 will be held in Trondheim, Norway. Here we will celebrate the first 100 years of NOF as an organisation. The program looks very promising and I wish you all a warm welcome on 13 – 15 May 2020.

On behalf of the NOF,
Ragnar Jonsson, president

Happy holidays and seasons greetings 2018

As the New Year approaches we look back and collect our past thoughts and memories. As for NOF the year 2018 was active and successful one and the federation is still going strong. The 59th NOF Congress last June in Reykjavik was succesful with about 450 attendees and the feedback we have received  concerning the congress has been overwhelmingly  positive. We will try to continue the good work in the spirit of its member nations and secure the future of NOF for years to come.

On behalf of NOF

Ragnar Jónsson President NOF

100 years NOF celebrations in Trondheim in 2020

Trondheim, Norway

All are invited to the NOF Centennial Congress 13-15 May 2020 (pre-congress symposium 12 May 2020) in Trondheim, the former Viking stronghold and Norwegian medieval capital.

We will celebrate the first 100 years of NOF as an organization with focus on scientific excellence and uniting orthopaedic surgeons from our member countries.

For information: https://www.ntnu.edu/nof2020

NOF Honorary Members 2018 Bart A. Swierstra and Bjarne Møller-Madsen

It is with great pride that the NOF announces that the General Assembly on June 14th, 2018, appointed Bart Swierstra (Co-editor Acta Orthopaedica since 1990) and Bjarne Møller-Madsen (Secretary General Nordic Orthopaedic Federation 2006 – 2012) as honorary member. With this honorary membership the invaluable contribution of Bart Swierstra and Bjarne Møller-Madsen for orthopaedic surgery in general and Nordic orthopaedics in particular is recognised and valued.

General Assembly NOF elects new president Ragnar Jonsson (Iceland)

On June 14th 2018 the General Assembly of the NOF elected Ragnar Jonsson (Iceland) as president, Heikki Kröger (Finland) as vice president and Kees Verheyen (The Netherlands) as secretary general of NOF. Ketil Holen (Norway) was elected as Congress president for the NOF Congress Trondheim 2020.

Li Fellander-Tsai (president/vice president 2014-2018), Jan van Mourik (secretary general 2012-2018) and Otto Robertsson (congress president Iceland 2016-2018) were thanked and honoured by the General Assembly for their tremendous effort and valuable achievements for the NOF.

Update Acta Orthopaedica 2018

During 2018 NOF makes a number of updates and changes for Acta. The most important are

Acta will be ”online only” for all NOF societies’ members
Acta will be distributed as an ”e-zine” (”flippable pdf”) to each of the national societies for further distribution to each society member
All members will receive a 100% discount on article publishing charges (APC) which have been introduced as from this year

Short information about Acta Orthopaedica

Acta is published with six issues per year and volume. Each volume comprises approx. 720-750 pages and all content is available free online for everyone.

During 2017 more than 120 units were published, the vast majority of these were original articles.

In 2017 Acta had close to 1.2 million full text downloads from Taylor & Francis Online (TFO) and PubMedCentral (PMC). All volumes and issues from 1930 are available online.

The latest impact factor was 3.446 and Acta is ranked 7 out of 76 journals in the “Orthopaedics” category.

Acta ”online only”; acces to Acta Orthopaedica for members of the NOF

The easiest way for the members to access Acta is to go to www.tandfonline.com/iort and get immediate access to the latest issues, the early online articles (not yet published in an issue) and the complete archive.

Each member can also register for ”New content alerts” on this site and thereby get regular updates about Acta and new articles.


Acta Orthopaedica will be distributed as an ”e-zine” (a ”flippable pdf” edition) of each of the Acta issues for 2018 and 2019. This ”e-zine” will be sent – as a link – to all individual NOF members.

100% Discount on article fee for NOF members

Acta has introduced and article publishing charge (APC) for EURO 1,750 for all published articles as from 2018 onwards. However, all members of the NOF will have a 100% discount on this fee and so it is completely free, and without any costs at all, for individual NOF members to publish articles in Acta.