Søren Kold new NOF President.

In the General Assembly at the 2024 NOF Congress in Rotterdam, Søren Kold was appointed as the new NOF President. He succeeded Heikki Kröger, who was thanked for his good work during his presidency.

NOF Congress 2024 12-14 June

Rotterdam skyline by night

Organising committee preparing for Congress 2024

The 2024 Congress will take place on 12-14 June 2024 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Read more about this event.


The city of Rotterdam is the second largest city of the Netherlands and offers an intriguing combination of old and new Dutch architecture. Its many museums and the Rotterdam harbour are also worth a visit. Find out more about Rotterdam.


Send an e-mail to the NOV organising bureau.

NEW: ACTA Editors Report 2022

man reading magazine on tablet

ACTA Editors Report 2022 recently published on the website

2022 was the first year without a printed Acta Orthopaedica, as costs for printing became too high compared to the income from subscriptions. Thus, 2022 consists of one issue of 937 digital pages . On January 1st a new (digital) publisher took over: Medical Journals Sweden (MJS). This report is the first made by new editor in chief Søren Overgaard.

143 articles published 

In 2022 143 articles were published out of 469 submissions, from 42 different countries, mainly from China (120), followed by The Netherlands (51), Denmark (46) and Sweden (44). In 2022 more articles were published than in former years  (100-120 yearly) due to a back-log during the transition from the previous publisher.

Categories changed

From January 2023 we have made some changes to the categories to specialty plus some extra (see ACTA website, on the righthand side).

For more interesting facts see the ACTA Editors Report 2022.
Find out more about ACTA on the NOF website.
Contact editor Søren Overgaard.

Anders Rydholm passed away

Our good friend and colleague Anders Rydholm, editor of the Acta Orthopaedica and honorary member of the NOF, passed away on Saturday 8th October 2022.

Anders has been editor in chief of the Acta Orthopaedica for many years. We commend him for his excellent work in developing the Acta Orthopaedica as a high-level international scientific journal. We believe that the Acta Orthopaedica has a very solid future.

We all mourn his passing and will remember him as a wonderful and very kind person.

Anders Rydholm

60th NOF Congress 2022

Warm welcome

From 7–9 September 2022 the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation was given a warm welcome in Vilnius by congress president prof. Alfredas Smailys (head of the department of orthopaedics and traumatology at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) and chairman of the scientific committee prof. Sarunas Tarasevicius (professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and founding director of the Lithuanian arthroplasty register).

The NOF Congress has become a tradition of bringing together the orthopaedic and traumatological specialists from all around the Nordic countries. More and more international leading experts and colleagues have become active participants. The congress scientific committee organised a high-level scientific programme with the main orthopaedic topics of the moment.

We enjoyed the programme, many meaningful discussions and memorable moments of being together, as well as the charming capital Vilnius, known for its rich history and picturesque old town.

Thank you!

We would like to thank everyone who has played a part in the organisation and in making us feel so welcome!

Take a look at the photo gallery on facebook


Update NOF 2022

viburnum in wintertime

A short new year report and update

In the last weeks of 2021, the covid epidemic was spinning faster than ever before. The infection rate is high, but the virus seems to have evolved to a weaker status. This epidemic has affected our planning and all our work in the NOF in the past two years.

NOF congress in Lithuania in May 2022

In spring 2020, just a few days before the planned NOF congress in Throndheim, the NOF was forced to cancel the congress. The congress had been meticulously planned by the Norwegian congress committee, but due to the increasing impact of covid cancellation was inevitable. The committee worked hard to minimize the economic loss, and a relatively small part of the total potential loss was covered by NOF funds. The decision was made to arrange the following NOF congress in Lithuania in May 2022. Needless to say, it is especially important that this congress will be a successful one and will attract a high number of attendees.

Acta Orthopaedica

The publishing company Taylor & Francis has been publishing Acta Orthopaedica for many years. In 2021 a new publishing agreement was negotiated but was subsequently cancelled after a few months by T&F. A new successful publishing agreement was negotiated with another publishing company, Medical Journals Sweden. Working with MJS is functioning smoothly and seems promising (read more).

Anders Rydholm has been editor in chief of Acta Orthopaedica for many years. He has now declared that he is leaving this post. Sören Overgaard, Li Felländer Tsai, Cecilia Rogmar and more have joined the editorial board of Acta. The NOF General Assembly in Lithuania will elect the next editor in chief.

Acta Orthopaedica is changing. The production of separate issues will stop, and new articles will be immediately available online. A new monthly Newsletter will replace the traditional Acta issue.

It seems quite clear that with the present editorial board Acta’s future looks bright.

Happy new year

I am certain that the NOF will go on after covid and will continue to prosper scientifically and socially to the benefit of its members.

I wish you all a very happy new year

Ragnar Jónsson,
President NOF

The NOF in 2020 and 2021

President Ragnar Jonsson on the NOF in 2020 and 2021

I wish you all a happy new year!

As the last days of the year 2020 are over, tradition demands that we look back and think about the past, and look ahead at the future.

2020: the year of COVID-19

COVID-19 has dominated the scene and the year 2020 will always be remembered as the year of COVID-19. COVID-19 is a recently discovered Coronavirus that causes a serious infectious disease. This contagious virus has spread around the world, leaving behind serious illness and deaths.

Various health systems have been forced to their knees, fighting this epidemic with varying degrees of success. Currently, a new vaccine gives us hope that the epidemic will soon be under control after a sufficient number of people have been vaccinated.

Orthopaedic clinics around the world have all had their share of problems related to this epidemic and have been struggling to take care of the constant flow of patients. But the heavy burden on hospitals and other health care providers in general has also seriously impacted the work of all orthopaedic clinics around the world, reducing and affecting their activities. In anticipation of the future development of COVID-19, several meetings and conferences have also been cancelled or put on ice.

NOF Congress postponed to 2022

The COVID-19 epidemic has also seriously affected the work and activities of the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation. The biennial NOF Congress was scheduled in Trondheim, Norway in May 2020. This was a centennial congress, in preparation since 2017. The congress committee in Norway had scheduled a high-level orthopaedic scientific program, which we unfortunately were forced to cancel in April 2020. Congress president Ketil Holen and his colleagues are to be congratulated on completing the difficult task of cancelling and dissolving the congress with minimal economic loss to the Norwegian Orthopaedic Association and the NOF. As a result, the NOF’s economy was not compromised.

After the cancellation of the congress in Norway, it was decided to postpone it to the year 2022 and move it to Lithuania.

Thoughts on the future

In these difficult times, questions have been raised about the future of the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation. I have been involved in the administration of the NOF for the past sixteen years and questions about the future of the NOF and the need for such a general federation have regularly arisen during this time. The fact that the NOF has grown with new members from the Netherlands and the Baltic states clearly answers these considerations and questions. The existence of a general orthopaedic forum is clearly well accepted despite ongoing further evolution of subspecialities.

It is not the first time that the NOF is going through difficult times that could threaten its existence. The NOF survived two world wars without breaking. There is no doubt in my mind that the NOF will survive this virus epidemic too.

No general assembly in 2020

The general assembly of the NOF is held every two years in connection with the NOF Congress. The general assembly elects the president and the vice president. Because there was no congress in 2020, it was impossible to follow the procedure as stated in the NOF statutes. The board of the NOF decided during a Zoom meeting in November 2020 that Heikki Kröger and I continue as vice president and president, and that other changes will await the Lithuanian general assembly in 2022.

My sincere thanks for this decision. My colleagues and I at The EXCOM will continue to do our best over the next two years.

Ragnar Jonsson,
president of the NOF

NOF Congress 11-13 May 2022

Old town of Vilnius, Lithuania

NOF Congress 2022 from 11 to 13 May in Vilnius, Lithuania

The next NOF Congress will take place from wednesday 11 to friday 13 May 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The  pre-course is on tuesday 10 May.


The organization is in the hands of the Lithuanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatolgy (Lietuvos ortopedu traumatologu draugija or LOTD).

Prof. Alfredas SmailysCongress president
Prof. Alfredas Smailys MD, PhD, president of the Lithuanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (LOTD), head of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and one of the founders of the Lithuanian Arthroplasty Register.

Prof. Sarunas TaraseviciusChairman Scientific Committee
Prof. Šarūnas Tarasevičius MD, PhD, professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and founding director of the European Arthroplasty Register.

Registration and abstract submission

  • Registration: from 1 November 2021
  • Abstract submission: from 1 October 2021 to 10 January 2022

Information and contact

Visit NOF Congress 22 website